Our proposals for Mynydd Carn-y-Cefn Wind Farm are:
- up to eight wind turbines with a blade height of up to 180m
- substation and transformer housing
- temporary construction compound and site offices
- crane pads, storage areas and cabling
- access track construction
A secondary consent will be required for the diversion of three public rights of way during construction and operation of the wind farm. It is anticipated that a separate application will be needed from the Local Authority for the temporary removal of highway furniture to allow for the transportation of turbines to site.
The design iteration work has been influenced by an extensive suite of assessment and survey work together with modelling of potential views from local sensitive receptors to minimise potential effects.
The project team is confident the site can accommodate eight wind turbines, which could generate up to 34MW of electricity. The Wind Farm has been designed with an operational life of 30 years, exporting renewable energy to the National Grid.
An offer of a grid connection from Western Power Distribution (WPD) has been received. A 33kV line between the on-site substation and the electricity grid at Crumlin will be the subject of a separate application.